Reader Showcase: Issue 106
Comments (0)This article is from Issue 106 of Woodcraft Magazine.

Stuart Lord, Silver Lake, NH
Not his grandfather’s clock. Inspired by a clock-making 18th-century ancestor, and aided by his own thirty years repairing clocks, Lord built this magnificent Roxbury-style tall case clock. The timepiece measures 9-1⁄2 × 21 × 96". The case features figured mahogany with inlays of cherry, holly, ebony, canarywood and bloodwood. The spiral trim around the lower case pays homage to a similar detail on a clock built by his forebear circa 1805. Lord also handcrafted the brass clock movement and dial assembly.

Barry L. Edzant, Valencia, CA
A river runs through it. Drawing on memories of the southwest, Edzant poured resin between two slabs of live-edge, big leaf maple to make the top for his new table. The tabletop is undergirded by a steel support structure which rests on cherry legs and feet. He used a template to rout cavities in the legs and filled them with resin to complement the top, then inlaid ebony in the feet. Overall dimensions are 21 × 36 × 60". Edzant says the tabletop reminds him of the Colorado River running through the Grand Canyon. We say his river table is absolutely gorges.
John Gondek, Plainville, CT
Tiger king. Retired Air Force veteran John Gondek spent nearly three months of shop time designing and making this intarsia white tiger. The light areas are poplar, while the stripes are cocobolo and bocote scraps sawn to fit into hand-routed cavities. After sanding and scraping to give the tiger’s face some depth, Gondek finished the ferocious feline with spray polyurethane. The tiger measures about 7 × 7". We think it’s the cat’s meow.

Roy Huntington, Joplin, MO
Cherry on top. Long-time subscriber Roy Huntington crafted this keepsake box for a friend’s wedding anniversary. The purpleheart top is adorned with brass knobs and a hand-carved cherry blossom relief in walnut. A first-time carver, Huntington hopes to incorporate carving into future projects. The box sides are made of padak and osage orange with simple joinery to keep the design uncluttered.
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